Byodoin at Uji
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Most Panoramic Kyoto Day Trip Gems – The Ultimate List

From captivating ocean views of Amanohashidate (天橋立) to the majestic temple complex of Enryakuji (延暦寺) and also the matcha capital of Uji (宇治), there are certainly no shortages of Kyoto day trip destinations to enrich your travel experience.

This list brings together the most panoramic Kyoto day trip destinations; each featuring its own unique history, charm, scenery and above all, captivating attractions. 

Oharano Shrine torii

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Starting off the Kyoto day trip list with a personal favourite of my wife and I are the twin villages of Kurama and Kibune. Located north of Kyoto just 30 minutes by train, these two villages are a well-known spot among locals as a spiritual spot.

Kurama (鞍馬) is known for its stunningly beautiful mountain temple and is the fabled home of the mystical tengus (天狗) while Kibune (貴船) is known for its shrine and its unique water fortune telling slips. Despite its near proximity to Kyoto and popularity among local tourists, there are surprisingly many quiet spots to immerse oneself into mother nature. The area also happens to be the home of the mythical Tengu (天狗) creatures that are popular in Japanese folklore.

A hike across Kurama to Kibune (or vice versa) is a once-in-a-lifetime experience not to be missed as it takes you on a spiritual journey across the lush forest and mystical mountains of Kyoto. Also for a fun fact, the hiking trail happens to be the birthplace of Reiki (霊気), the energy healing practice. Check out my separate hiking guide here for more info.

Kuramadera main hall
Kurama-dera autumn scenery

2) Otsu - Known for Its Scenic Lake Views

Our next Kyoto day trip destination was formerly a capital for a brief moment during the Asuka Period (飛鳥時代), Otsu (大津) features a beautiful combination of ancient temples and shrines nestled along the bay of the magnificent Lake Biwa (琵琶湖). Lake Biwa also happens to be the largest inland lake in Japan, and a renowned scenic spot among locals. 

Don’t let this small Kyoto day trip gem fooled you though as it boasts some of the most scenic attractions in the region (and less crowded than most attractions in Kyoto too). Places of interest include magnificent complexes of Mii-dera (三井寺) & Omi Jingu (近江神宮) and the quaint Former Chikurin-in temple (旧竹林院).

Kyoto daytrip destination - city of Otsu

Additionally, this is one of the best places to catch the captivating scenery of Lake Biwa from the floating pavilion Ukimido (浮御堂). Visitors can also catch a lake cruise from Otsu on the cruise ship Michigan as an alternative to enjoy the lake view while slowly enjoying some live music and gourmet food. 

**Check out my full guides on Former Chikurin-in Temple & Ukimido here for more travel tips.

Kyoto daytrip destination - Otsu Omi Jingu
Kyoto daytrip destination Otsu

3) Enryakuji - A Buddhism Center That Was Once A Citadel

Can’t get enough of temples and historic sites in Kyoto? the UNESCO world heritage site Enryakuji is the Kyoto day trip destination for you then. The headquarters of the Tendai Buddhist sect and once a mighty citadel, it is the epitome of how temples were once a powerhouse in Japanese politics during the feudal era.

Enryakuji (延暦寺) is located on top of Mt Hiei (比叡山) and at its peak had over 3,000 sub temples under it. However, the warlord Oda Nobunaga (織田信長) razed the complex as he saw the militia monks of Enryakuji as a threat. Today most of the buildings that existed in the complex were reconstructed during the subsequent Edo period (江戸時代). 

Enryakuji - Kyoto daytrip destination

Exploring both the magnificent East Area/Todo (東堂) & West Area/Saito (西塔) complexes will definitely require the entire day as it takes you on a historical journey across the citadel of what was once the mightiest Buddhist sect in Japan.

Enryakuji - Kyoto daytrip destination

4) Uji - The Matcha Capital of Japan

Our next Kyoto day trip destination here is none other than the green tea capital, Uji. This small town lies in between the historical cities of Kyoto and Nara, and is famed for not just its historic buildings but also green tea or matcha (抹茶).

Uji’s (宇治) status as a tea capital stems from the Ashikaga Shogunate when the Shogun (将軍), Ashikaga Yoshimitsu (足利義満) promoted the cultivation of tea in the area. Since then, Uji has been a major producer of tea in the country and today, there are many delicious matcha-tea shops and cafes to look out for in the town. If you are a matcha lover, this is the perfect Kyoto day trip destination for you.

Kyoto Travel - Uji River

Visitors also have the opportunity to visit various heritage sites such as the iconic and majestic Byodoin Temple (平等院) and the Ujigami Shrine (氏神神社) featuring the oldest Shinto (神道) worship hall in Japan. Also another site not to be missed is the Koshoji Temple (興聖寺), which incorporated timbers from the dismantled Fushimi Castle. Said timbers are believed to contain blood stains that was caused during the castle’s siege.

Byodoin at Uji
Kyoto daytrip Uji

5) Nagahama - Traditional Merchant Town With Pretty Streetscapes

Located north east of the magnificent Lake Biwa (琵琶湖) lies the charming traditional merchant town of Nagahama (長浜). The Kyoto day trip spot was built by the warlord Toyotomi Hideyoshi (豊臣秀吉) as his administrative capital. Today it is mainly known for its pretty streetscapes filled with traditional houses. There is also the famed Kurokabe Square which is a former black coloured bank building turned glassware store; symbolising Nagahama’s specialty in glass making.

Kyoto daytrip Nagahama Castle

And then, there is also the town’s castle, Nagahama Castle (長浜城) which offers a stunning view of Lake Biwa at its top floor. Fans of anime and manga shouldn’t miss out on the Kaiyodo Figurine Museum (海洋堂フィギュアミュージアム); featuring some of the most vibrant and intricate figurines of your favourite characters including Pokemon, Godzilla, Ultraman, Dragon Ball and many more.

Beer lovers can also drop by the Nagahama Roman Beer (長濱浪漫ビール), a microbrewery known for its variety of craft beers. The best time to visit Nagahama is in mid-April (generally from April 9 – 17), which is when the annual Nagahama Hikiyama Festival (長浜曳山まつり) occurs. During this time, there will be a procession of large colourful and intricate floats; each featuring a stage where talented children will perform Kabuki (歌舞伎) on them.

Kyoto daytrip Nagahama
Nagahaman Roman Beer

6) Amanohashidate & Ine - Featuring The Best Ocean View in Japan

A rising star among Kyoto day trip gems, Amanohashidate (天橋立) and Ine (伊根) are the epitome of scenic ocean views in Japan. Amanohashidate is one of the top three views in Japan; featuring a narrow land bridge that connects two sides of the Miyazu Bay. In fact, its beauty is renowned in Japan that it is believed to be a path of heavens created by the deities in Shintoism. 

Amanohashidate Kyoto daytrip

Nearby Amanohashidate lies the ever charming fishing village of Ine, that is most famous for its Funaya (舟屋) or boat houses. These are wooden buildings that sit right on the water, serving as both the house and the dock for the fishermen. The first floor houses the boat while the second floor is where they stay. 

An experience not to be missed here is to catch a boat ride and tour around the bay to catch a glimpse of its beauty. The captivating scenery of the bay view together with the unique boat houses alone will certainly clear your mind from worry and stress.

Ine Funaya 2

7) Hikone - Home to One of Japan's Most Authentic Castle

A must-see Kyoto day trip gem, especially for castle lovers as Hikone (彦根) features one of the very few original castles in Japan. This small quaint castle town is mostly known among locals for housing Hikone Castle (彦根城), the residence of the Ii Clan that once ruled over the city.

The majestic castle itself has stood steadily and remained intact until today unlike many castles across Japan that were not so lucky; making this one of the five castles to be designated as national treasures. Visitors can explore the castle grounds and pay attention to the little details of the castle’s design; including the little holes in gates that are used by musketeers to fire on their enemies and the spiral paths that were meant to slow down the enemies’ advances.

Also, don’t miss out on the nearby Genkyuen Garden (玄宮園) next door. This garden was built by the ruling lord of Hikone for the purpose of entertaining his family and guests. The garden was designed similarly to an imperial garden in China; with a large pond in the middle surrounded by meticulously curated trees and stones, together with the presence of the majestic castle in the background.

Genkyuen Garden Hikone

8) Omihachiman - The Charming Little Venice of Japan

Nicknamed the Little Venice of Japan, Omihachiman (近江八幡) stood out from the other Kyoto day trip sites for its scenic canals. This town was once a thriving castle town filled with merchants and artisans. Canals were built across the town up to connect with the nearby Lake Biwa; allowing these merchants to extend their trade network. 

Kyoto daytrip Omihachiman

Today, many of the houses and the canals remained intact; making this one of the most picturesque towns in the region. A must-do activity here is to catch a boat ride that sails along the town’s canal; allowing you to catch a glimpse of the historic town from multiple angles. Some of these merchant houses are also open to be explored; providing a glimpse of the merchants’ lives during the feudal era.

One can also take a ropeway ride all the way to the summit of Mt Hachiman; where the ruins of the former castle lies. From there, one can catch a breathtaking view of the surrounding town as well as the magnificent Lake Biwa.

Kyoto daytrip Omihachiman
Kyoto daytrip Omihachiman

9) Ohara - Kyoto's Hidden Quaint Mountain Village

The Kyoto day trip destination to look out for if you want to experience what a rural village in Japan is like. This quaint farming village is known not just for its temples but also a great place to take a stroll especially for those who love the countryside.

Ohara Kyoto daytrip

The temples Sanzenin and Jakkoin features some of the prettiest and charming gardens in Japan. Also, these temples are particularly popular in autumn for their fall foliage sceneries. Sanzenin is also popular for the display of Ajisai or Hydrangeas from mid-June to early July. Part of the experience in exploring Ohara is checking out the paddy fields and the vegetable farms while breathing in the fresh mountain air.

For a more relaxing experience, be sure to check out the nearby restaurants and cafes that are located inside the traditional wooden buildings. For those who are looking to buy something as a souvenir, look out for the store Shibakyu that specialises tsukemono (漬物) or pickles. Ohara is said to have been the birthplace of tsukemono. There is also the store Motoshiro that features some of the most intricate and colourful handicrafts. 

Ohara Kyoto daytrip

Honorable Mentions - Kyoto Daytrip Destinations

These are some Kyoto day trip spots that are more better suited as a 2-days trip or best explored via a rental car for a more hassle-free and flexible travel experience.

1) Nara - The Former Ancient Capital & Kyoto Predecessors

It is very common to see Nara (奈良) listed as one of the many Kyoto day trip destinations in many sites. To me personally however, Nara is best visited by staying at least one night. The reason for this is that some of its more impressive temples such as Yakushiji (薬師寺) and Horyuji (法隆寺) are located out of the central area of Nara and you will need a bus ride or car at least to reach them.

Still if you are planning a day trip to Nara, you can cover some of the main sites such as Todaiji temple (東大寺), Kasuga Taisha shrine (春日大社) and Kofukuji temple (興福寺) within the day trip. There is also the Higashimuki Shopping Street (東向商店街) to explore for some wonderful local eateries and souvenirs shopping. And the city is also home to one of the few national museums in the country, the Nara National Museum (奈良国立博物館).

Nara Kofukuji

2) Arashiyama - Home to Japan's Most Scenic Bamboo Forest

Undeniably the most popular Kyoto day trip destination among the travel circle. There is no denial that you would have heard of its scenic bamboo forest and the famous Togetsukyo Bridge (渡月橋) from the sheer number of promotions from travel websites and word of mouth from friends. 

Arashiyama Kyoto Bamboo

With the recent surge of tourism in Japan however, Arashiyama’s (嵐山) bamboo forest is extremely crowded with tourists, making it hard to recommend as a relaxing destination. Still, Arashiyama has a lot more to offer in terms of attractions. For example; Adashino Nenbutsuji Temple (化野念仏寺) contains a hidden scenic bamboo groove that is less crowded and much more enjoyable. Saga-Toriimoto Preserved Street (嵯峨鳥居本) is also worth visiting simply for its wonderfully preserved traditional wooden houses containing beautiful gardens. 

And from Arashiyama, one can also opt to ride the Sagano Scenic Railway to the nearby town of Kameoka (亀岡) and catch the stunningly beautiful scenery of the ravine along the way. And to top up the experience, catch the Hozu River Boat Tour from nearby the JR Kameoka Station that takes you on a 2 hour journey passing by scenic mountains and lush forests up until the iconic Togetsukyo Bridge.

Hozugawa Kyoto

3) Takashima - A Quaint City Known For Its Scenic Beauty

Another lesser-known Kyoto day trip gem along Lake Biwa is Takashima (高島). Takashima is mainly know for two things; the first is the scenic yet lesser-known Shirahige Shrine (白髭神社) that features a floating Torii (鳥居) on the lake and the other is its variety of natural scenic sites. For those of you who have been to the grand Itsukushima Shrine (厳島神社), Shirahige Shrine is similar to it but offers a much more relaxing environment to enjoy the scenery.

Shirahige Shrine

In terms of scenery, the most well-known among them is the captivating Avenue of Metasequoias (メタセコイア並木道), a 2.4km scenic avenue that features Metasequoia trees on both sides. Part of the charm of this avenue is it always changes its appearance based on the season; ranging from fresh green leaves in spring, dark green shades in summer, vibrant foliage in autumn to snow-covered trees in winter.

It is important to note however that Takashima’s attractions are located quite a distance from each other. To get around, the best way will be either by rental bicycle from the local tourism board at the Omi-Takashima Station (近江高島駅) or car rental (as taxis are expensive in Japan!). As such, Takashima is best explored as part of a road trip destination in my opinion. 

Metasequoia avenue Takashima
Onyu Pass Takashima

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